14世紀の沈没船 ストックホルム

スウェーデンの国家海洋博物館が14世紀の沈没船をストックホルムのRiddarfjarden sound で発見したことを発表した。この船は去年発見されており、炭素年代測定で1350-70年頃作られたものと判明。また、1390年過ぎに沈没したのではないかと推測されている。

この船は地下鉄のトンネル設置の事前調査の際に発見され、シルトに長年うもれていたために保存状況がよいそうです。Riddarfjarden sound の水深は15-20mほど。この地域からは他にも有名なOld TownやCity Hall沈没船などが発見されている。スウェーデンといえば、1628年に沈没したヴァーサ号が1961に引き上げられたことが有名。

Stockholm – Swedish maritime archaeologists have found a 14th century vessel in central Stockholm, the National Maritime Museum said on Thursday.

The vessel, dating from the late 1300s, was discovered on the bottom of the Riddarfjarden sound, archaeologists said.

The find was made late last year and according to Carbon-14 dating the vessel was likely built between 1350 and 1370. The researchers believed it sank sometime during the 1390s.

The analysis was made on samples of the ship’s hull that stuck up above the silt and other debris on the bottom of the sound.

The researchers were excited over the find saying the centuries old layers of silt may have protected the vessel’s cargo and equipment, offering possible insights.

The team were involved in an ongoing archaeological investigation commissioned as part of a planned train tunnel project through central Stockholm.

Riddarfjarden sound is about 2.7 kilometres long and at least 400 metres wide. Its average depth is 15-20 metres. Several of Stockholm’s best known sites are situated on its shores, including the Old Town and City Hall.

Stockholm is also home to the 17th century warship Vasa that sank on her maiden voyage 1628 but was salvaged in 1961. – Sapa-dpa



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