English Heritageとサザンプトン大学海事考古学研究所が協力体制

イギリスからのニュースによれば、文化財行政機関のEnglish Heritageとサザンプトン大学の海事考古学研究所が同国の海事、水中、沿岸遺跡に関する新たな研究体制の構築をするようです。ワーキンググループの設置を通じて、専門家やボランティアなどの組織、遺跡全般に対する包括的な理解を深めることを目的にしているとのこと。English Heritageは沈没船遺跡に関するガイドラインをすでに作成・公開していますが今後は海事・水中文化遺産全体にこうした動きが広がるのでしょう。

Maritime and Marine Historic Environment Research Framework

English Heritage has commissioned the Centre of Maritime Archaeology at the University of Southampton to co-ordinate the development of a research framework for the maritime, marine and coastal archaeology of England. The research framework will be shaped by those from the academic, commercial and voluntary sectors involved in the maritime, marine or coastal archaeology of England who will meet in a series of working groups to assess our current state of knowledge on a period-by-period basis and develop a research agenda outlining the gaps in our knowledge, strengths to build upon and future research priorities.

The resource assessment and research agenda documents produced by the working groups will be open to public consultation through a project website, and in addition a consultation group of ‘experts and practitioners in the field’ will be recruited to comment in detail on them. The final report will be ready for publication in July 2010.

Introductory seminars will take place on 9 June in London and 11 June in York. These short seminars are open to everyone and will introduce the scope, structure and methodology of the project as well as provide opportunity for discussion



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